CISHKOREA-Korean National Committee of Historical Sciences


작성일 : 13-04-30 12:02
제21회 국제역사학대회(2010. 8. 22 - 28: 암스테르담) 사회자, 지정토론자 공모
 글쓴이 : cishkorea
조회 : 15,095  
국제역사학 한국위원회는 여러 차례 예고한 바와 같이 2010년 암스테르담에서 개최되는 제21회 국제역사학대회(21st International Congress of Historical Sciences)의 각 세션의 사회자(organizers), 지정토론자(discussants), 논문발표자(contributors)의 公募를 다음의 요령에 따라 공고합니다.

(1) 모든 공모문서는 2008년 1월 15일까지 한국위원회(다음 이메일주소)에 도착해야 한다.
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(2) 모든 공모는 Guidlines for selecting orgnizers, discussants and contributors에 따른다.(→유관기관→→projects→Amsterdam in 2010)

(3) 사회자(organizers)에 관하여: “The organizer is the key person for each session. Chosen for their knowledge of the field and historiogrpahy, organizers will have the final say in the choice of participants. For all session ONE organizer must be identified. This is to facilitate communications between the secretariat of ICHS, the secretariat of the Amsterdam Congress and the participants. Please note the change of format for round tables: The organizer will prepare a text that will be distributed in advance to the four participants and discussed during the meeting. For the other sessions, the role of the organizer is not to divulge the subsance of the presenters' communications but to introduce the theme and its problems."

(4) 지정토론자(discussants)에 관하여: "For each session, a discussant must be proposed. This person will be responsible for outlining the highlights of the papers and for guiding the general discussion. Also, please make sure that the person you are suggesting agrees to have her/his name submitted. Please send the complete address (affiliation, street address, telephone/fax, and e-mail)."

(5) 논문발표자(condtirbutors)에 관하여: “If you have some proposals for individual papers, please submit them; if you send in more than one for a given theme, you must put them in order. Please ensure that you send the complete address (affiliation, street address, telephone/fax, and e-mail)."

이상과 같이 國際歷史學 韓國委員會는 모든 공모를 접수한 후 적부여부를 검토한 후 국제역사학 위원회(ICHS)에 추천하게 됩니다. 거기서는 각국위원회의 추천을 받은 후 소위원회를 구성하여 최종 선정을 확정짓게 됩니다.

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E-mail : Tel : (02)585-3325 Fax: (02)584-5975
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